October 28, 2011

Alert the Tooth Fairy!!!

Sofia's first loose tooth was discovered earlier this summer at the end of June, today it finally fell out!!!  We had just finished lunch and in the middle of a Jungle Rummy game Sofia asked me slightly confused why there was a gap in her mouth.  I looked and saw her tooth had fallen out!  Sofia was SOOO excited :-)  I was a little stressed out that the tooth was lost, but Sofia found it right there on the ground, she had spit it out since she thought somehow a rock had gotten in her mouth!  So funny!  Now, I wonder what the Tooth Fairy will surprise her with...  Sofia's guess was a ZhuZhu Pet.  I don't think the Tooth Fairy carries extra ones of those with her ;-)

There isn't many pictures of me on this blog, however we got a new webcam and I was experimenting with the snapshot capability so, "hi there!"  It doesn't seem to handle a low-lit room too well, but not too bad :-)

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