January 28, 2009

Favorite Things!

Here are some pictures of current favorites:
Drake has found a new snuggle friend, Sofia's Lion pillow, aaww what a snuggley couple :-)
Sofia's favorite, always, is CHOCOLATE!!!
And M & M's, they of course contain the all-important ingredient - CHOCOLATE!
Kajsa is digging her new CAT Dump Truck, thanks Gramma and Grampa :-)
Kajsa didn't fall far from the tree either and is definitely a budding CHOCO-HOLIC too!!!

January 21, 2009

Christmas and Fun in the Sun

We had a wonderful 2 week holiday in the Bahamas with my parents. The weather was beautiful and the girls loved boating, the beach and all the adventures that we had everyday :-)

Here's a collage for you to enjoy!
(double click to see a bigger version)