March 05, 2009

Making an artistic mess is fun!

Today I made up our own fingerpaints and it was a gooey, fun and artistic mess :-)
You mix together flour and water to a paint like consistency and then color it with drops of food coloring. I'm not sure if the girls liked the painting part more or the pouring ridiculous amounts of the "finger paint" out onto the paper and then feeling it squish between their fingers and then repeatedly slapping the paper so that the paint went flying everywhere!!! I thought I had a whole afternoon project planned out but the paint was gone in 10 minutes, yikes :-) It was 10 minutes of perfect happiness though.

This was the first time I've ever used food coloring and Sofia was enthralled by the power of putting drops into stuff and seeing the colors change, so for a few days after she wanted to color everything - the gluten-free muffins I baked ended up a moldy green!!!

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